I am a plant blogger with a mission:
Inspire the internet generation with
Super Green Fingers!
I would like to teach you more about plants!
You do not have to be stressed by a dying plant; all you need is some knowledge about how to deal with your green housemates. On my online channels I try to inspire the internet generation to develop green fingers.
I register the growth process of my plants on social media: Every day I place a picture of my most beautiful plants on Instagram, here you can see my recent pictures:
I started Mama Botanica as a plant shelter, where I was a foster mother for homeless plants. During my searches on the internet, I noticed that it is difficult to find good information; the best plant care tips are hidden in vintage books. That is why my focus is on sharing my knowledge via social media and I also give workshops on plant care. I want to bring people closer to nature. With plants around you you become aware of the world in which we live; the way you experience your living environment changes and you will automatically become less stressed and more focused. And I think plants just look beautiful!
By sharing content that really helps you, I try to involve everyone: from care tips, tutorials on making cuttings and inspiration to put plants together (or hang them) to mindfulness moments. In this way I hope to inspire people to surround themselves with plants. And now I also want to infect you with the plant virus and give you Super Green Fingers!